Saint John Evangelical Luther in Granite Oklahoma Reviews

This Church is Listed in: Granite Oklahoma Churches

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Saint John Evangelical Luther is a church in Greer county. The physical mailing address is P.O. BOX 56, Granite, OK 73547-0056. Saint John Evangelical Luther’s telephone number is 580 535-4662 . This number ought to be operational mon-fri while in normal business hrs. Listed below one can find a map as well as some extra contact facts with regards to this specific church.

If you’re the contact person for Saint John Evangelical Luther and you want to petition alterations to the current web page, you need to send email by clicking here. Please notice that we receive many requests so it can take a week or more for us to answer a person’s questions.

If you are a Saint John Evangelical Luther representative or normal visitor, we strongly encourage you complete the review area followed below and write down your feedback concerning the Saint John Evangelical Luther for some others to see.

Saint John Evangelical Luther
P.O. BOX 56
Granite, OK 73547-0056

Based in Greer County Oklahoma

The individual to make contact with is Harvey Gurtis

You can call 580 535-4662

Map to Saint John Evangelical Luther

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