House Of Prayer in Blackwell Oklahoma Reviews

This Church is Listed in: Blackwell Oklahoma Churches

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House Of Prayer is a church in Kay county. The physical mailing address is 203 W Lincoln Ave, Blackwell, OK 74631-3227. House Of Prayer’s contact number is 580 363-0478 . That phone number should be operational mon-fri through regular business hours. Below you will find a map and also some more communication facts related to this specific church.

If you are the contact man or women for House Of Prayer and you need to request alterations for this page, remember to send email by clicking here. Please observe that we receive numerous requests therefore it requires 1 week or more for us to respond to an individual’s inquiry.

For anybody who is a House Of Prayer participant or regular guest, we strongly encourage you to definitely complete the review component beneath and leave your commentary in regards to the House Of Prayer for other individuals to read.

House Of Prayer
203 W Lincoln Ave
Blackwell, OK 74631-3227

Based in Kay County Oklahoma

You should contact John Jack

You can phone 580 363-0478

Map to House Of Prayer

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This website offers information and facts and actual personal testimonials on the subject of churches from Oklahoma. The editors of this website won’t put up with any hateful or derogatory remarks, comments or ratings. Please send email should you uncover content that violates this policy.

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