First Baptist Church in Davis Oklahoma Reviews

This Church is Listed in: Davis Oklahoma Churches

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First Baptist Church is a recognized church in Murray county. You can send mail to 208 S 3rd St, Davis, OK 73030-2308. First Baptist Church’s telephone number is 580 369-2151 . That telephone number should be operational mon-fri through general business hrs. On the next paragraphs one can find a map and also some extra contact detail relating to this organization.

If you are the contact person for First Baptist Church and you would like to ask for changes to the listing, you should send email by clicking here. Please note that we have many requests so it might take a week or more for us to react to a person’s request.

If you’re a First Baptist Church participant or normal visitor, we really encourage you complete the review component listed below and leave your observations concerning the First Baptist Church for some others to digest.

First Baptist Church
208 S 3rd St
Davis, OK 73030-2308

Based in Murray County Oklahoma

The Contact Individual is James L Densman

You could phone 580 369-2151

Map to First Baptist Church

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This web property includes info as well as authentic consumer ratings regarding churches located in Oklahoma. The publishers of this web-site will never tolerate any hateful or derogatory statements, commentary or assessments. Please contact us if you find information that violates this policy.

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