Emmanuel Baptist Church in Ardmore Oklahoma Reviews

This Church is Listed in: Ardmore Oklahoma Churches

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Emmanuel Baptist Church is a recognised church in Carter county. The mailing address is 307 4th Ave SE, Ardmore, OK 73401-8216. Emmanuel Baptist Church’s phone number is 580 223-4034 . That phone number ought to be operational weekdays in very common business hrs. Followed below one can find a map together with some more contact data relating to this church.

For anyone who is the contact person for Emmanuel Baptist Church and you desire to obtain adjustments to this listing, be sure to send email by clicking here. Please take note that we have lots of demands therefore it takes 7 days or more for us to react to your request.

If you’re a Emmanuel Baptist Church participant or common visitor, we strongly encourage you to complete the review sections down further and leave your comments about the Emmanuel Baptist Church for others to see.

Emmanuel Baptist Church
307 4th Ave SE
Ardmore, OK 73401-8216

Operating in Carter County Oklahoma

The individual to contact is Donny Custar

You can phone 580 223-4034

Map to Emmanuel Baptist Church

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This web property offers details plus authentic customer testimonials on the subject of churches in oklahoma. The editors of this website won’t put up with any hateful or derogatory statements, opinions or assessments. Please send email if you uncover data that violates this policy.

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