Coweta Baptist Church in Coweta Oklahoma Reviews

This Church is Listed in: Coweta Oklahoma Churches

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Coweta Baptist Church is a church in Wagoner county. The physical mailing address is 28153 E 131st St S, Coweta, OK 74429-4904. Coweta Baptist Church’s telephone number is 918 486-3708 . The phone number should be in business mondays to fridays during general business hours. Following you’ll find a map plus some additional contact info with regards to this church.

If you are the contact person for Coweta Baptist Church and you would like to request alterations to this web page, be sure to send email by clicking here. Please take note that we receive a lot of demands so it usually requires 1 week or even more for us to reply to an individual’s question.

If you’re a Coweta Baptist Church associate or usual visitor, we encourage that you complete the review portion down the page and leave your reviews in regards to the Coweta Baptist Church for other people to see.

Coweta Baptist Church
28153 E 131st St S
Coweta, OK 74429-4904

Established in Wagoner County Oklahoma

The person to make contact with is John Fulton

You could phone 918 486-3708

Map to Coweta Baptist Church

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This domain features details in addition to real consumer comments regarding churches from Oklahoma. The editors of this domain won’t tolerate any hateful or derogatory statements, opinions or ratings. Please send email if you ever uncover information that violates this policy.

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