House Of Prayer in Ardmore Oklahoma Reviews

This Church is Listed in: Ardmore Oklahoma Churches

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House Of Prayer is an existing church in Carter county. The mailing address is 2116 Harris St NW, Ardmore, OK 73401-1499. House Of Prayer’s phone number is 580 226-3430 . That number ought to be in business weekdays while in very common business hrs. Followed below you will see a map and also some supplementary contact information related to this specific church.

Should you be the contact individual for House Of Prayer and you desire to request alterations for this listing, remember to send email by clicking here. Please be aware that we get many requests so it takes 1 week if not more for us to reply to a person’s inquiry.

If you are a House Of Prayer representative or normal guest, we recommend you to definitely complete the review portion below and leave your feedback concerning the House Of Prayer for other individuals to see.

House Of Prayer
2116 Harris St NW
Ardmore, OK 73401-1499

Proudly located in Carter County Oklahoma

The Contact Individual is Larry Murray

You could call 580 226-3430

Map to House Of Prayer

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This web property includes details and authentic end user ratings related to churches located in Oklahoma. The publishers of this site won’t tolerate any hateful or derogatory remarks, responses or assessments. Please contact us if you uncover content that violates this policy.

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