Assembly God Church in Garber Oklahoma Reviews

This Church is Listed in: Garber Oklahoma Churches

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Assembly God Church is a church in Garfield county. The mailing address is P.O. BOX 665, Garber, OK 73738-0665. Assembly God Church’s phone number is 580 863-2813 . This number probably will be operational monday to friday during very common business hours. On the next paragraphs you can use a map plus some complementary communication material regarding this specific church.

If you’re the contact individual for Assembly God Church and you want to request modifications to this webpage, you should send email by clicking here. Please be aware that we get a lot of demands therefore it takes 7 days or even more for us to react to your issue.

Should you be a Assembly God Church associate or common guest, we really encourage you to complete the review section down the page and write down your remarks about the Assembly God Church for other people to look over.

Assembly God Church
P.O. BOX 665
Garber, OK 73738-0665

Operating in Garfield County Oklahoma

The Contact Individual is Barry Prock

You could phone 580 863-2813

Map to Assembly God Church

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