United Pentecostal Church in Elmore City Oklahoma Reviews

This Church is Listed in: Elmore City Oklahoma Churches

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United Pentecostal Church is an existing church in Garvin county. You can send mail to P.O. BOX 365, Elmore City, OK 73433-0365. United Pentecostal Church’s phone number is 580 788-2920 . That telephone number should be operational weekdays especially during general business hrs. Down below you will see a map and also some additional contact material relating to this religious organization.

If you are the contact man or women for United Pentecostal Church and you want to petition alterations for this web page, you should contact us by clicking here. Please notice that we have lots of demands therefore it normally takes one week or more for us to reply to your question.

If you are a United Pentecostal Church participant or frequent visitor, we encourage that you complete the review sections down below and take note of your opinions concerning the United Pentecostal Church for other people to look over.

United Pentecostal Church
P.O. BOX 365
Elmore City, OK 73433-0365

Operating in Garvin County Oklahoma

The Contact Person is Fred Butcher

You can phone 580 788-2920

Map to United Pentecostal Church

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This web site offers data and also real person testimonials related to churches in oklahoma. The publishers of this web site will not put up with any hateful or derogatory statements, commentary or assessments. Please send email in the event you find information that violates this policy.

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