St Therese Catholic Church in Collinsville Oklahoma Reviews

This Church is Listed in: Collinsville Oklahoma Churches

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St Therese Catholic Church is a recognized church in Tulsa county. The physical mailing address is 1007 N 19th St, Collinsville, OK 74021-2700. St Therese Catholic Church’s phone number is 918 371-2704 . That telephone number should be in business mon-fri while in regular business hours. Below you’ll find a map along with some supplemental contact data related to this specific church.

If you’re the contact man or women for St Therese Catholic Church and you would like to request modifications to the present web page, be sure to contact us by clicking here. Please take note that we have many requests so it might take 7 days or more for us to respond to an individual’s inquiry.

For anybody who is a St Therese Catholic Church associate or usual guest, we encourage you to definitely complete the review sections listed below and write your comments concerning the St Therese Catholic Church for some others to read.

St Therese Catholic Church
1007 N 19th St
Collinsville, OK 74021-2700

Located in Tulsa County Oklahoma

The individual to make contact with is Patrick Brankin

You could telephone 918 371-2704

Map to St Therese Catholic Church

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