Phoenix Avenue Baptist Church in Tulsa Oklahoma Reviews

This Church is Listed in: Tulsa Oklahoma Churches

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Phoenix Avenue Baptist Church is an established church in Tulsa county. The physical mailing address is 2139 S Phoenix Ave, Tulsa, OK 74107-2802. Phoenix Avenue Baptist Church’s phone number is 918 587-8228 . The number ought to be operational weekdays in the course of general business hours. Beneath you can get a map in addition to some extra contact particulars concerning this specific church.

If you are the contact man or women for Phoenix Avenue Baptist Church and you would like to obtain modifications for this web page, you should contact us by clicking here. Please note that we have numerous demands therefore it usually takes 7 days if not more for us to respond to your question.

If you’re a Phoenix Avenue Baptist Church participant or regular guest, we encourage that you complete the review portion down below and write down your opinions with regards to the Phoenix Avenue Baptist Church for some others to go through.

Phoenix Avenue Baptist Church
2139 S Phoenix Ave
Tulsa, OK 74107-2802

Located in Tulsa County Oklahoma

The person to make contact with is James Fair

You could call 918 587-8228

Map to Phoenix Avenue Baptist Church

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