Baptist Student Union in Ada Oklahoma Reviews

This Church is Listed in: Ada Oklahoma Churches

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Baptist Student Union is a church in Pontotoc county. The mailing address is 223 S Francis St, Ada, OK 74820-6936. Baptist Student Union’s contact number is 580 332-5636 . That number probably will be operational mondays to fridays especially during general business hrs. Beneath one can find a map along with some complementary contact specifics relating to this specific church.

Should you be the contact man or women for Baptist Student Union and you would like to petition modifications to the webpage, you should send email by clicking here. Please observe that we have a lot of demands so it may take 1 week if not more for us to react to a person’s request.

For everybody who is a Baptist Student Union representative or normal guest, we really encourage that you complete the review sections below and leave your remarks concerning the Baptist Student Union for some others to view.

Baptist Student Union
223 S Francis St
Ada, OK 74820-6936

Based in Pontotoc County Oklahoma

It is best to contact Rob Gandy

You can call 580 332-5636

Map to Baptist Student Union

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This web property features data and also actual patron ratings on the subject of Oklahoma religious organizations. The publishers of this web-site will not tolerate any hateful or derogatory remarks, feedback or assessments. Please contact us if you ever find material that violates this policy.

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