Avant House Of Prayer in Avant Oklahoma Reviews

This Church is Listed in: Avant Oklahoma Churches

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Avant House Of Prayer is a church in Osage county. The mailing address is 211 N Main St, Avant, OK 74001. Avant House Of Prayer’s phone number is 918 263-2955 . That number should be in business monday to friday while in regular business hours. Below you can use a map plus some additional contact detail regarding this religious organization.

If you’re the contact person for Avant House Of Prayer and you desire to request modifications to the present webpage, please send email by clicking here. Please note that we have a lot of requests therefore it normally requires a week or even more for us to react to your questions.

For everybody who is a Avant House Of Prayer member or regular visitor, we strongly encourage that you complete the review section followed below and take note of your feedback regarding the Avant House Of Prayer for other individuals to browse through.

Avant House Of Prayer
211 N Main St
Avant, OK 74001

Based in Osage County Oklahoma

You might want to contact M Anthony

You could telephone 918 263-2955

Map to Avant House Of Prayer

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