First Baptist Church of Alva in Alva Oklahoma Reviews

This Church is Listed in: Alva Oklahoma Churches

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First Baptist Church of Alva is a church in Woods county. You can send mail to 714 College Ave, Alva, OK 73717-2730. First Baptist Church of Alva’s phone number is 580 327-2623 . The telephone number probably will be operational mondays to fridays all through regular business hours. Followed below you can get a map along with some supplemental contact particulars related to this organization.

Should you be the contact man or women for First Baptist Church of Alva and you want to request changes for this web page, please contact us by clicking here. Please take note that we have numerous requests therefore it will take one week or more for us to answer an individual’s questions.

For everybody who is a First Baptist Church of Alva representative or usual visitor, we encourage you to definitely complete the review section below and note down your remarks concerning the First Baptist Church of Alva for others to view.

First Baptist Church of Alva
714 College Ave
Alva, OK 73717-2730

Based in Woods County Oklahoma

The individual to contact is Greg Hook

You could call 580 327-2623

Map to First Baptist Church of Alva

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