Morris Memorial Baptist Church in Ada Oklahoma Reviews

This Church is Listed in: Ada Oklahoma Churches

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Morris Memorial Baptist Church is a church in Pontotoc county. The mailing address is 16121 County Road 3540, Ada, OK 74820-3710. Morris Memorial Baptist Church’s contact number is 580 332-4352 . This particular number probably will be operational weekdays while in general business hours. Below you’ll find a map as well as some complementary contact detail pertaining to this specific church.

Should you be the contact man or women for Morris Memorial Baptist Church and you would like to petition adjustments for this webpage, you should send email by clicking here. Please take note that we receive many demands therefore it normally takes a week if not more for us to answer your questions.

For anybody who is a Morris Memorial Baptist Church member or common guest, we really encourage you to definitely complete the review component down below and write your feedback with regards to the Morris Memorial Baptist Church for some others to browse.

Morris Memorial Baptist Church
16121 County Road 3540
Ada, OK 74820-3710

Located in Pontotoc County Oklahoma

The person to make contact with is Britger Jamar

You could phone 580 332-4352

Map to Morris Memorial Baptist Church

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This web site includes information and facts and also actual end user reviews about churches from Oklahoma. The publishers of this web-site will never put up with any hateful or derogatory statements, commentary or ratings. Please send email if you ever find information that violates this policy.

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