Barnard Mem Untd Mthdst Church in Holdenville Oklahoma Reviews

This Church is Listed in: Holdenville Oklahoma Churches

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Barnard Mem Untd Mthdst Church is a recognized church in Hughes county. The mailing address is P.O. BOX 784, Holdenville, OK 74848-0784. Barnard Mem Untd Mthdst Church’s contact number is 405 379-3840 . That telephone number probably will be in business weekdays through typical business hours. Following you will find a map in addition to some more contact data pertaining to this church.

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Barnard Mem Untd Mthdst Church
P.O. BOX 784
Holdenville, OK 74848-0784

Established in Hughes County Oklahoma

Make sure you contact Joe Robinson

You can call 405 379-3840

Map to Barnard Mem Untd Mthdst Church

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